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Your Voting Guide

The information below comes from the following sources:, City of Norfolk Website, and Headcount.

Voter registration applications are not processed during the 22 days before an election. To be eligible to vote in an election, the Voter Registration Application Form must be postmarked no later than 22 days before the election.

To be Eligible to Register to Vote in Virginia a Person must:

  • Be a resident of Virginia (a person who has come to Virginia for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes).
  • Be a U. S. Citizen.
  • Be 18 years old (any person who is 17 years old and will be eighteen years of age at the next general election shall be permitted to register in advance and also vote in any intervening primary or special election).
  • Not be registered and plan to vote in another state.
  • Not currently declared mentally incompetent by a court of law.
  • If convicted of a felony, your right to vote must have been restored.

Persons Eligible to Register can Obtain a Registration Application at any of the Following Locations:

  • Online Registration
  • Local voter registration office
  • Download a PDF copy of the registration form 
  • State or local government offices when applying or re-certifying for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, or Rehabilitation Services.
  • Government offices in the State that provide State-funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to person with disabilities
  • Armed forces recruitment offices
  • Public libraries
  • Virginia Department of Elections office
  • Department of Motor Vehicles offices
  • Voter Registration Drives

The completed application can be filed with the local registration office or mailed to the address printed on the form. Application for registration can be submitted using a Virginia Voter Registration Application form or a National Voter Registration Application form. Military and other persons residing outside of the United States should contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program for registration information.

Once you have submitted your registration form, you should receive an information card or other correspondence confirming your registration status. If you do not receive one, contact your local Registrar’s Office to make sure that your application has been processed. You can also check for your voter record online. Please note that an information card or other correspondence confirming your voter registration status does not qualify as photo identification. For information on qualified identification for voting in person, or how to obtain a Voter Photo Identification card, please visit: or call toll free at (800) 552-9745 or TTY: 711

Please note: The deadline to register to vote also applies to updating your voter registration address.  Generally the deadline for registration is three weeks before a general election and shorter for special elections to fill vacancies. If your address change is not submitted to the office of the general registrar by the applicable deadline for the election in which you wish to vote, you may not be able to vote.  Please notify the general registrar of address changes promptly.

The Voter Registration Application can be mailed via the U.S. postal service or hand-delivered to any official registration office.

  • If mailed, the application must be postmarked no later than the deadline.
  • If delivered in person, either by the applicant or a third party, the application must be received by the deadline. On the final day of registration for an election all general registrar offices close at 5:00 p.m.
  • Applications postmarked or received after the deadline will be held and processed after the election.
  • For questions concerning completing the application and voting on Election Day, call your local registration office.
  • Check your voter registration record online.
  • For other questions contact the Virginia Department of Elections.


Polling hours are from 6:00 a.m. until  7:00 p.m. As long as you are in line by 7:00 p.m., you will be able to vote. 

To register to vote or check your status online:

  1. Access the following link:
    Virginia Department of Elections citizen portal
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Go.
  3. Enter your name, date of birth, last 4 digits of their social security number and their locality. And check the certification box.
  4. You will now see your voter record                                                   

If  you do not appear in the system, and you believe you are registered to vote, please contact your local registrar. You will find that contact information at:

Learn more here.

The Virginia Department of Elections has several options to choose from:

  • You may request a Virginia Voter Registration Application from your local general registrar.
  • You may register to vote at your local Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office.
  • You may contact a candidate campaign, political party or other organization with voter outreach.

When you register, the local general registrar mails voter notifications directly to you.  If  you have not received any information in the mail, You can check your status online at:

If you cannot confirm registration online, please call your local general registrar. You will find that contact information at:

Yes. You will be eligible to vote in any election held that year

Only if you have had your rights restored.

Any person convicted of a felony loses their right to vote in Virginia and that right can only be restored by the Governor of Virginia. You can find out more information, check the current status of your civil rights, and apply to have your rights restored through the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website:

The Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Restoration Department can be contacted directly at (804) 692-0104.

Once your rights have been restored you must register to vote before you can qualify to receive a ballot at the next election.

  • Access the Virginia Department of Elections polling place lookup.
  • Enter your address
  • The system will show your polling
No, you do not need to bring proof of your voter registration.  All you need to bring is an ID.  

Virginia law requires all registered voters to show one acceptable ID to vote in person.

For a detailed list of acceptable IDs click here.

If you get to your polling place without acceptable ID, you can sign an ID Confirmation Statement or vote a provisional ballot. You will need to submit a copy of a valid ID by 12:00 noon the Friday after the election. You will be given instructions on what to do so your vote can count. For more information on acceptable IDs, or any other questions, contact or visit your nearest Virginia Voter Registration Office or email
If you have moved from another state: you will have to complete a Virginia Voter Registration Application. You may only be registered to vote in one state. If you have moved within the state: you will need to update your voter record. You can do so online or your local general registrar. If your move occurred since the last November election, you may return to and vote at your previous polling location. Remember, all voters must update their records to reflect current residence because eligibility to vote requires residence in the precinct assigned based on their residence.
You have several options:
  • You may apply on-line.
  • You can contact your general registrars’ office and request the ballot. You will find that contact information at:
  • You may visit your local general registrar’s office and complete the application. If during the absentee ballot voting period your application is approved, you will be allow to cast your vote at that time.
Notice to voters using US mail service: the USPS delivery standards changed last year so that First Class delivery went from 1-3 days to 2-5 days and Standard delivery is now 2-9 days. Please keep this in mind, as the ballot must be received by your local general registrar no later than 12:00 PM on the third day following Election Day. Having the ballot postmarked by the deadline does not count if the ballot is still received after the deadline.
More information on voting absentee can be found on our absentee voting page.

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